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Calf Hay Feeder

  • $515.70

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Sioux Steel Hay Feeder for Calves

Sioux Steel's Calf Hay Feeder accommodates heavier calves, tall ewes and alpacas. Mid-level bar is 12” from the ground allowing lambs to feed easily.

Light enough to move with ease. (24) 9” openings feed up to 100 head per feeder. 6.5’ diameter feeds loose hay or round and square bales.

Durable with heavy-duty, hi-tensile, 50,000 psi tubing and powder coated steel. 3 sections bolted together.

Color: Prairie Gold
Gauge: 1.5" x 16
Diameter: 6.5'
Openings: 24
Height: 39"

50,000 PSI Steel Powder Coated Steel

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Ask a Question
  • Do you have a kit to enclose the bottom portion of your calf hay feeder? Thanks. Randy

    Thank you for reaching out! We do not have kit to enclose the bottom on the calf feeder. You might be able to use the 3 piece Poly Kit (S13607) for the open bottom feeder, but it would require some modification to get it to work. In order to make it fit, you would have to cut the height shorter to match the 12” vs the 22” that it comes in.

  • How heavy of calves can you feed with your calf round bale feeder? I would like to use it for growing calves from approximately 400-750# Thanks. Randy

    Thank you for reaching out! Yes, you will be fine feeding calves in the weight range mentioned. We have had customers that feed up to 800# calves with these feeders.


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